Poets Corner Reading Series

Poets Corner is on Hiatus — no funds :(

I do not think poetry is more, or less, necessary than food, shelter,
health, education, decent working conditions. It is as necessary.
~ Adrienne Rich, What is Found There


It is with great sadness that the team at Poets Corner announces a temporary, possibly permanent, hiatus. Despite our best efforts,  our grant applications to the Canada Council, the BC Arts Council, and the City of Vancouver, were all turned down. As such, we are unable to continue — we have no funds to pay our lovely poets, nor to continue to run the basics, such as our Instagram channel, our Youtube channel, our Twitter feed, our Facebook Page, and this website. We have been working on a shoe string budget for the last 6 months, and the money has run out.

We will try to maintain the website in order to preserve the archive of readings and posters, but this website is also a paid site and there are yearly fees. We quite literally have pennies in the bank.

Many thanks to all our wonderful readers and loyal followers who have participated over the years, both as featured poets and as open mic readers — always the favourite section of our evening. We will miss you all very much.


We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, The Writer’s Union of Canada, and the League of Canadian Poets.

