Poets Corner Reading Series

Tag Archive: One-Minute Poem

One Minute Poem for Friday 15 May — Kim Goldberg

We bring you a new One Minute Poem every Friday in which recently published poets

read a favourite poem from their book that clocks in under 1 minute. This Friday’s poet is Kim Goldberg reading “A Tall Girl” from
her new book, Devolution by Caitlin Press.

Kim Goldberg’s reading is being carried on all of our social platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and our new YouTube channel.


One Minute Poem for 8 May 2020 — Francine Cunningham

Last week we introduced our new One Minute Poem where

recently published poets read a favourite poem from their book that clocks in under one minute. This Friday’s poet is Francine Cunningham, reading “On Grief/Build Up” from her new book, On/Me by Caitlin Press.

Francine’s reading can also be found on all our social platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and our YouTube channel.

By kind permission of Caitlin Press and the poet.
