Poets Corner Reading Series

Tag Archive: Renee Bucciarelli

“They Dropped Like Flakes” | Emily Distancing

Second instalment of Renee Bucciarelli’s “Emily Distancing” project is out on her YouTube channel: “They Dropped Like Flakes.


They dropped like Flakes —
They dropped like Stars —
Like Petals from a Rose —
When suddenly across the June

A Wind with fingers — goes —
They perished in the Seamless Grass —
No eye could find the place —
But God can summon every face
On his Repealless — List.

Moments of Escape | Emily Distancing — Renee Bucciarelli

We are delighted to offer a preview of a new project being developed by Renee Bucciarelli, Emily Distancing.


As Renee describes it, this is a “one poem-episode from the Emily Distancing project — an attempt to make sense of “staying at Home” during the Covid 19 pandemic by imagining Emily Dickinson’s response to our current situation. This ‘preview’ test episode is being publicly released on May 15, 2020, in honour of the 134th anniversary of the poet’s death. “Moments of Escape” (not Dickinson’s title–her poems were untitled) falls sequentially later in this series of poem-episodes that will begin with Emily facing confinement to her home.” More to come at Renee’s YouTube channel.

Renee last read for us at Poets Corner (in our previous incarnation as Poetic Justice) in 2016. We hope to see Renee (and Emily Dickinson) again soon!