Poets Corner Reading Series

Tag Archive: Celeste Snowber

This week’s One Minute Poem! Celeste Snowber reads “Birdsong Lessons”

In this week’s One Minute Poem, Celeste Snowber reads “Birdsong Lessons” from The Marrow of Longing (HARP, 2021).

You can find Celeste’s excerpt on our YouTube channel, as well as on all of our social media platforms.

By kind permission of the poet and HARP The People’s Press.

Celeste Nazeli Snowber, PhD is dancer, poet, writer, award-winning educator and a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Celeste interweaves multidisciplinary forms in her performances and published works. She is author of Embodied inquiry: Writing, living and being through the body and three collections of poetry. Her most recent book of poetry, The marrow of longing, which explores her Armenian identity is forthcoming from HARP The People’s Press in the spring of 2021. Celeste can be found creating site-specific performances of dance and poetry in various sites in the natural world as well as at www.celestesnowber.com.

